Kedudukan Gugatan Class Action dalam Sistem Peradilan Perdata di Indonesia
Class Action Lawsuit, Civil Court, Legal ProcedureAbstract
A class action lawsuit is a legal procedure that gives a group of people who have similar legal interests the opportunity to file a lawsuit together through a representative. However, the implementation of class action lawsuits in Indonesia is not yet optimal due to a lack of public understanding. Therefore, in the Indonesian civil justice system it is important to understand the position of class action lawsuits, viewed from the perspective of applicable positive law. This research was conducted using normative methods through analysis of various library materials and a legislative approach was used in this research. Class action lawsuits have an important role in the civil justice system in Indonesia, as a legal mechanism that provides access to justice for the wider community, especially groups who have the same legal interests and face similar losses. In Indonesia, the presence of Law Number 23 of 1997 concerning Environmental Management was recognition of class actions for the first time and was further strengthened by the presence of Law Number 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry and Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection. Furthermore, further implementation is explained in Supreme Court Regulation Number 1 of 2002 concerning Class Representative Lawsuit Procedures, which is the legal basis regarding the requirements and procedures for filing a lawsuit, as well as strengthening the efficiency of dispute resolution.
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