Tanggung Jawab Negara Peluncur terhadap Sampah Satelit Ruang Angkasa Ditinjau menurut Outer Space Treaty 1967 dan Liability Convention 1972
Outer Space Treaty 1967, Liability Convention 1972, State Liability, Satellite Debris, SpaceAbstract
The presence of space satellite debris presents a significant challenge to the sustainability of space travel and usage. As a result, the accountability of the country launching these satellites becomes a critical legal matter that needs to be looked into. This study examines the responsibility of nations that launch satellites into space in relation to debris, with reference to the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 and the Liability Convention of 1972. This research takes a normative legal approach, analysing the sections of international law that regulate space exploration and the legal liability for damages caused by space operations. The findings reveal that the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 upholds the idea of state responsibility for space missions, regardless of whether they are conducted by governmental bodies or private entities operating within their jurisdiction. In the meantime, the Liability Convention of 1972 oversees the liability process of the state responsible for damages caused by space objects, such as satellite debris, on both earth and in space. Nevertheless, there are shortcomings in the execution of these two agreements, particularly concerning the interpretation and extent of satellite debris, and the enforcement of responsibilities. This study proposes enhancing the global legal structure by aligning regulations, creating surveillance methods, and enhancing collaboration among nations to tackle the adverse effects of satellite debris.
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